2025 CABA Classic Barn Vendors

For your convenience at the show, we have two barn vendors this year, Tahoma Vista Mill and Quality Llama Products. Both vendors will be selling product at the show and will accept pre orders and bring them to the show.

If you are interested in fleece collection for the mill, please contact Jean Van Effen. She is not accepting a general fiber collection but will have ability to take some, mostly white.  Contact info is info@tahomavistafibermill.com.

Quality Llama Products contact info is: www.llamaproducts.com. Phone: 253-393-7581.


Take note that both vendors have donated gift certificates to our Friday night live auction! See the CABA website for all the great auction items!  CABA Classic - A.W.E. - Dinner and Live Auction

Thank you and see you at the show!!

Contact info is info@tahomavistafibermill.com.

Contact info is: www.llamaproducts.com

Phone: 253-393-7581.